My fridge freezer uses similar techniques applied from my earlier works. I started with a box model and split the sections so I had 3 height sections. One section for the top bar, one for the fridge and the other the freezer. I then converted this to an editable poly and chamfered the middle edge so that it would create the impression of a built in door handle.
I then moved the middle edge in the z axis to create an indent and handle like section. I then created a new polygon for the information bar using the create tool in the polygon section. I then applied text to this using create, shape, text. This was the first time I have entered text into 3ds max for a model and found this quite easy. I then applied this to the newly created polygon.
Like all my other models materials I produced another multi/ sub-object layer and applied the main fridge freezer with a white shiny material of ID 1, a grey colour for the gaps in the fridge as ID 2 and the information bar as ID 3. I kept the text a separate material and used a bright green.
Here is how the fridge looked rendered.
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